Asherman Syndrome (Intrauterine Adhesions)

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Asherman Syndrome (Intrauterine Adhesions)

    Asherman syndrome is a condition is the formation of scar tissue in the uterine cavity. The problem most often develops after uterine surgery. The scarring of the tissue causes thickening, breaking down and bleeding — during each menstrual cycle. This results in an enlarged uterus and painful, heavy periods. Asherman syndrome is a rare condition and mostly occurs in women who have had several dilatation and curettage procedures in the past.

    The symptoms of Asherman’s syndrome include:

    • Having very light periods
    • Having no periods
    • Having severe cramping or pain
    • Inability to sustain pregnant

    Most cases of Asherman’s syndrome is caused by a past uterine surgery such as dilation and curettage while the scarring is also possible with a cesarean section or from sutures used to stop hemorrhages. Other possible causes include – endometriosis, infections of the reproductive organs and a past radiation treatment.

    The treatment for Asherman syndrome is done by a surgical procedure – a hysteroscopy. The objective of the surgery is to make the uterus regain its normal size and shape. In addition to diagnosis, hysteroscopy can also be used to treat the condition by cutting the adhesions with very small scissors, lasers, or other types of instruments that use hooks or electrodes.

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